Mirror Mapper v1.0.0

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Map anything to anything

The Mirror Mapper is a Max for Live Audio Device that allows for non-exclusive mapping between two parameters in Ableton Live. This means that by modifying Parameter A, Parameter B will update to show the same (scaled) value, and vice versa.

Any mappable parameter in Live can be mirrored. Track A Volume can be mapped to Track B Volume, a rack Macro mapped to a device parameter, etc. It is important to note the mapping is non-exclusive, so parameters can be mapped without disabling automation.

Normally this sort of mapping would trigger Ableton's 'Updates cannot be triggered by notifications' error, but this is circumvented by triggering updates via a MIDI Bus. For this reason for the Mirror Mapper to work a MIDI Bus and channel with open Track In and Track Out routing must be chosen via the device dropdown. This can be an external bus such as an IAC Driver, or it may be an empty MIDI track within live that has its monitor type set to 'In'.

Any questions or requests may be directed to support@anodic.tech.

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Mirror Mapper v1.0.0

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